All About Daisy Flower
All About Daisy Flower

The beauty of flowers is often used by society to represent or convey a message. One of the flowers that are classified as a public favorite is the daisy flower. The various meanings contained in it make the public so love this type of flower.

Daisy Flower Meaning

Daisy Flower Meaning
Daisy Flower Meaning

This section’s explanation may appear lengthy and complex. Several factors, such as world history and culture, will have a substantial impact on it at the same time. We strive to explain these complicated concepts in-depth, one by one, so that everyone understands.

Let’s begin by discussing the various meaning that usually applies in general. We discovered that five common meanings are attributed to the beauty of the daisy.

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  1. Innocence

Innocence is an attitude that is very common among infants and children. They grow, learn a lot of things from what they didn’t know before. Daisy flower are perfect for describing the element of innocence. No wonder this flower is often used as a gift for the moment of celebration of parents who have just had children or mothers who have just given birth.

  1. A new start

The starting point of human life is not only from the moment of birth. As one gets older, a person can find many new beginnings in life, such as graduating from college, getting a job, and getting married. Reach new beginnings are the perfect match if collaborating with Daisy flower as a gift. This type of flower does describe the meaning of a new beginning accompanied by optimism for the future.

  1. Purity

In some ways, purity and innocence are synonymous. The term “pure” refers to the absence of any mixing. Only a newborn baby possesses purity in human life. Naturally, daisies, which have a purity symbolism, are frequently used as gifts to welcome the birth of a baby.

  1. True love

One of the most fantastic adventures of life for humans is the search for true love. It took a long time and a really winding journey to find true love. A person with a beautiful or handsome face may not necessarily go through finding true love smoothly. The beauty of the daisy flower can represent the meaning of true love. If you want to give a gift to someone who has found true love, there is nothing wrong with giving this type of flower. Or maybe you want to make the person who is your true love happy. This flower can also do it perfectly.

  1. Harmony

Few people can readily discover the genuine meaning of harmony in their lives. Humans must face issues every day; thus, obtaining true harmony is a complex undertaking. It takes honesty and self-acceptance to reach the goal of finding true harmony. The beauty of the daisy bloom reveals a message about the nature of harmony. You may surely count on this flower as a present if you wish to celebrate a moment of harmony.

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Historical Daisy Flower Meaning

Historical Daisy Flower Meaning
Historical Daisy Flower Meaning

After knowing the general meaning, let’s enter the next stage. We will see the meaning that is traced based on historical stories. Especially for this one part, the explanation will be divided into three parts:

  1. The history of the country of Scotland has a reasonably close relationship with the beauty of the daisy. This type of flower is a form of entertainment from God in the death of a baby. The beautiful and fragrant flowers provide comfort for parents suffering from the loss of their beloved baby. The legend of the Scottish society then means innocence and purity.
  2. The story contained in Norse mythology also has a close relationship with the existence of the beauty of the daisy. The essence of the tale describes that this flower is Freya’s favorite sacred flower. The figure of Freya for Norse mythology is known as the goddess of beauty, the goddess of love, and the goddess of fertility. The influence of Norse mythology then gave rise to a new start meaning.
  3. A Roman myth has something to do with the meaning of the daisy flower, which is considered a perfect representation of true love. The tale tells of two figures named Vertumnus and Belides. Vertumnus’ status was exalted as he was the god of the seasons and the god of the garden. Meanwhile, Belides is just a nymph or an ordinary person. Vertumnus loves Belides so much that he is willing to make various efforts to make his idol happy. But the ending of Vertumnus’ love story is sad. He found the reality of not being able to completely own Belides. To prove that his love is heartfelt and eternal, Vertumnus then turns himself into a daisy. As a side note, the scientific name of the daisy, “Daisy Bellis,” is believed to have arisen from the mythical story of the Romans.

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Daisy Flower Bouquet

Daisy Flower Bouquet
Daisy Flower Bouquet

Maybe you are planning to gift someone special with daisies. But you are confused about how to make the gift that you will send is truly impressive? The way you can do it is actually effortless. You just need to pack it into the form of a wreath.

Designing a bouquet of daisies is so easy to really bring out the perfect beauty. This flower has various types of colors that you can mix with each other. We recommend that you choose bright colors so that the impression of happiness and joy becomes more visible.

Believe me, the person who receives a bouquet of flowers from you will immediately smile with joy at the beauty of the color composition of the flowers. Especially if you are the man who sent it to the woman you love so much. Your woman will immediately hug you because you can be romantic and make her heart happy.

If you need a guide on what color composition is right, here we describe it briefly.

  1. Color Orange

Aura full of enthusiasm, energy, and warmth will really radiate if you include your flower bouquet with a choice of orange color. This color is so bright, able to bring a feeling of joy that is really alive and positive energy.

  1. Red Color

In general, the color red does exude extraordinary passion. Especially when it comes to daisies, the color red always represents the warmth of true love. So, if you want to give a bouquet of flowers to someone you love very much, make sure the composition of the flowers is accompanied by this red color.

  1. Yellow Color

Choosing yellow in a bouquet that you want to send to your loved ones is definitely the right choice. The yellow color will represent and emit an aura of extraordinary joy. We even dare to say that choosing yellow as one of the compositions in your bouquet is the easiest way to arouse passion and enthusiasm from someone afflicted with sadness.

  1. Pink Color

At the heart of the vibrant colors of daisies is cheerfulness. Especially for pink, you can choose it as a sign of gratitude or happiness. But you can also use it to encourage sick people to continue to be enthusiastic about undergoing a healing period.

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Types of Daisy Flower

There are some of the most famous types of daisies in the world. Here’s the summary!

  1. English Daisy

This species is scientifically known as Bellis Perennis. The origins of the English Daisy are native to Europe, but its beauty is now rife in various countries on other continents. The characteristics of the English Daisy are the white petals and the yellow center.

  1. Gerbera Daisy

This type is most commonly used for wedding reception events. The species is native to that area of ​​South Africa. Gerbera Daisy’s bright colors make anyone feel happy when they see it.

  1. Shasta Daisy

This type of flower results from an agricultural expert, Luther Burbank, in California, United States. Shasta Daisy appears as a daisy hybrid. The shape is similar to English Daisy at a glance. However, Shasta Daisy has its own uniqueness in its dark green leaves.

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