Have you ever heard of a flower with the name forget me not? Forget me not flowers are beautiful garden plants and are often used as a symbol of loyalty.
This flower, scientifically named Myosotis Sylvatica, has a meaning as a flower with a symbol of affection and love. As the name suggests, this flower means to love and also a feeling to never forget.
Forget me not is a bouquet of flowers that Megan Markle brought when she married Prince Harry. In addition to its deep meaning, the flower was picked directly by Prince Harry from Princess Diana's garden in the courtyard of Kensington Palace especially for the woman he loves, Markle.
Forget me not flowers are not only beautiful but they are also loved by many flower lovers. This flower is quite adaptable and does not require much care. The forget-me-not plant (Myosotis sylvatica) is one of the popular ornamental plants because of its ability to be easy to grow and hardy. The leaves will look always green and the flowers that grow in groups will continue to bloom for quite a long time. This plant will grow well in full sun with good drainage. The flowers bloom with soft colors like blue, pink, and white.
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Forget Me Not Flower[/caption]
Many legends are circulating about this flower. At that time, God had just created the universe and it was time for God to decorate it with various flowers. Until it was time to name the flower that God had created. One by one the flowers were named: starting with roses named rose, daffodils named lily, tulips, then magnolias, followed by frangipani flowers, poppies, pansies, jasmine flowers, lavender flowers, geraniums, and daisies. They were very happy with their names, then there was a beautiful little flower among the bushes under a rose that had not been called by God.
So the flower that had been named earlier cried out to God and said: “Forget me not, my lord! Forget me not!” then God smiled looking at them, and said: “Then shall it be your name!”.
So, this small, beautiful, and the enchanting flower was named the Forget Me Not flower. Where the meaning of the flower is God Almighty will never for a second forget his creatures even though he is small and invisible to other creatures.
Another legend came in the 15th century in Germany. The Forget Me Not flower symbolizes loyalty to a partner, which is where the story begins when a couple who are walking down the river find a beautiful little flower. When he was about to get the flowers, the knight fell into the river and threw a bouquet of flowers he had picked and shouted ""Forget-Me-Not"" to his wife.
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Forget Me Not Flower[/caption]
Flowers with 50 species in one genus with many variations have an open diameter of about 1 cm, with 5 blue and yellow crowns as the center, and this flower blooms in spring. How to care for this flower is not difficult, it needs to be placed in an area exposed to full sun, and watering only needs once a day. This flower is also a flower that has a good growth defense. This plant can survive without water for up to 4 days when delivered. Wow, more and more in love with this one flower apparently.
To produce these beautiful flowers, of course, plant care is needed since childhood. Well, the care of flower seeds is not too difficult to do. Seedling a plant is the beginning of the plant will survive or not and will grow well or not. Well, for this Forget Me Not flower, good seeds are usually sown at a depth of 0.5 cm on moistened media. If the seeding is successful then within 15 days the sprouts of the Forget Me Not flower seeds have started to appear.
In addition to its special name, growing flowers which are the topic of conversation at Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding also requires special treatment. Because it is a biennial plant, that is, a plant that will flower and then die the following year, this flower must be planted at a special time.
To make this flower grow perfectly, the best time to plant forget-me-not seeds is when spring is still far away. This is because when the spring comes, then these flowers can come to flower. In addition, to make this flower thrive, the soil used must be loose, the irrigation system must be good, and also given organic matter.
This flower also requires good lighting because forget-me-not flowers should not be exposed to sunlight all day.
How to Take Care of Forget Me Not Flowers
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Forget Me Not Flower[/caption]
Forget me not is also resistant to pests, it can even grow in less fertile soil conditions. However, you still need to pay attention to how to take care of this flower so that it blooms thickly.
First, choose a location where to plant that receives full sun or partial shade.
Second, forget-me-not flowers do not require intensive watering. You just water it once a day. Water until the water drips into the pothole, but don't let the plant get waterlogged as this will cause the roots to rot. Reduce watering during the rainy season.
Third, throw away old flowers or stems, use scissors or they can be broken directly by hand. Remove any flowers that have fallen off the stems. This is done to encourage the formation of new flowers more quickly.
Fourth, forget-me-not fertilization is not necessary. However, if you want a plant that is lush and blooms beautifully, feel free to apply fertilizer once a month, and even then only if the leaves have withered and turned yellow or the plant is growing very slowly.
Forget Me Not flowers as tea
Over time, this blue flower is widely processed into drinks such as tea. Nowadays it is not difficult to find flower tea and many tea manufacturers offer this flower as one of their tea variants. When brewed this flower will turn pale and transparent.
The taste of the tea tends to be light, slightly sweet, and grassy. In addition to the sweet taste, the aroma of this flower is also refreshing when brewed with hot water so that it can have a calming effect on the body. Besides being enjoyed with sugar or honey, this flower tea can also be drunk plain without added sweetener.
The high content of vitamin C in this flower is efficacious to calm nervous tension. The content can also be efficacious to increase metabolism and endurance.