Magnolia is a genus of trees and shrubs in the Magnoliaceae family with over 240 species native to the Himalayas, East Asia, North and South America. Magnolias are known for their big fragrant blooms as well as their attractive foliage and conelike fruits. Besides, some magnolia plants can be a local source of timber and others are considered significant house plants. They have alternate smooth-margined leaves that are either evergreen or deciduous. Cuplike
flowers that are usually white, yellow, purple, or pink are found at the branch terminals. They have three sepals and six to twelve petals arranged in two to four series, with many spirally organized stamens.
Growing and Caring for Magnolias
A magnolia tree is an excellent choice when looking for a fascinating centrepiece tree for the garden. Magnolias are available in a variety of cultivars to fit any garden size. The trees range in size from 15-foot bushes to enormous trees that can reach 80 feet or more in height. While conventional magnolia types can grow up to 80 feet tall, some lesser cultivars only reach 20 feet tall. When planting magnolias, choose your location carefully and make sure you picked the right kind that suits your garden space. They have shallow, widely dispersed root systems that are often damaged during transplantation. Bigger magnolias can be used as shade trees in bigger yards with limb spans of 30 to 40 feet. Those with compact, shrubby forms would work really great in borders or as a decorative garden tree.
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Pink Magnolia[/caption]
Climate is also an important factor to consider. Planting it in a container instead of directly in the garden lot would be better, as it grants more mobility between indoors and outdoors depending on the weather. Picking the right container would then be important to its growth. If the container only serves as a temporary home for the tree until it is planted in the ground, choose one that is somewhat larger than the root ball. However, if you plan to keep your tree in a pot for a long time, you should consider a pot that is several times larger than the root ball of the tree. Above all, make sure that any container you purchase has adequate drainage. Water will filter through pot shards, rocks, or a layer of pearlite at the bottom of the container, ensuring that the roots get enough oxygen.
Magnolia trees are low-maintenance and generally disease-resistant. Given the appropriate growing conditions, they can live for 100 years or perhaps longer. But despite that, they still need suitable soil, light, water, and feeding to thrive. Magnolias generally favour well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral soil. However, this varies depending on the tree type. Because the roots of the magnolia are so close to the soil's surface, this organic top layer is critical for moisture retention. To maintain the proper moisture balance, amend the soil with compost and, if desired, a little peat moss or sand. Also, leave 2 to 4 inches of space at the top of the pot for wood chips or other compost.
Once the planting is all set, make sure your plant gets an adequate amount of sunlight, because the best flowering occurs when there is plenty of sunlight. Most types can withstand hot summers and moderate dryness, making them a great choice for gardens in harsh climates. For the first several months, water several times per week to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Younger trees should be watered regularly until they are well established. You can reduce the amount of water once your tree has established itself. There is no need to fertilize your magnolia if it is growing and flowering nicely. However, use fertilizer during the warmer months to keep your tree healthy and maximize blossom.
Different Kinds of Magnolias
Different kinds of Magnolias can be found all across the United States and in various areas of the world. The highly diversified genus of magnolia includes several species that have different colours, forms, and suitability for various climates. The most well-known kind is the iconic southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). In fact, Magnolia grandiflora, often known as the Southern Magnolia, was named Louisiana's state flower in 1900. Southern magnolia is a huge evergreen tree that requires plenty of space. The elliptical leaves are huge and leathery, reaching up to 10 inches in length, while the white flowers, which bloom from midsummer to early autumn, can reach up to 12 inches in diameter.
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White Magnolia[/caption]
Another kind of magnolia is the Anise Magnolia or Magnolia salicifolia that is native to Japan. The leaves of the anise magnolia resemble those of a willow tree or shrub. They are wider than willow leaves but not as wide as standard magnolia leaves. Before the leaves unfold in the spring, this deciduous tree will produce white blooms with strappy petals. During the autumn it has a lovely golden yellow colour. Another one that is native to Japan is the Star Magnolia or Magnolia stellate. It is a small tree or large shrub that blooms star-shaped white flowers in late winter or early spring.
Many other magnolias are native to East Asia, such as Lily Magnolia or Magnolia liliiflora that is native to Southwest China. Given that they are a smaller species, lily magnolia grows as a shrub or small tree. This shrub produces a large flush of mildly perfumed reddish-purple or pink blooms shaped like lilies in early spring before the leaves open.
Meanings and Significance of Magnolias
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Star Magnolia[/caption]
Charles Plumier proposed the flower's name in honour of Pierre Magnol, a 17th-century French botanist who helped identify that plants came in families rather than just species. Magnolias are regarded to be among the first flowering plants to appear on the planet. According to scientific studies, fossil evidence indicates that they existed on Earth for 100 million years. That said, Magnolia represents longevity and endurance because it is thought to have existed from the beginning of time.
The Magnolia blossom also symbolizes nobility, beauty, love, dignity, and purity. A lot of it is contributed by the serene appearance of the tree. These flowers are also frequently used in wedding bouquets to signify the bride's beauty, dignity, and purity.