“Roses are red, Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet, and so are you.”
Are you familiar with the famous poem above? It is an old poem that we can found appeared in Gammer Gurton’s Garland book, in his collection of English nursery rhymes in 1784. This poem strongly referred to rose and violets flowers by defining their colors to determine the rhythm of the poem. Why are Violets blue, when its true colors are purple? Here are some facts we have compiled about the Violets flower, where you can find the answers to their true color.
1. Violets are not just blue
Violets come in a variety of colors, but not just blue. Although in any paint chip or color wheel, the color violet falls between blue and red. So it’s not wrong to categorize the color in blue. Violets can come in white or yellow shades and mostly bright jewel tones, but some varieties also have soft pastel colors. They are often called the cheeriest petite
flowers by gardeners.
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2. Violets name meaning and history
Violets’ genus name is Viola, referring to a large genus of flowering plants ‘Violaceae’ in the violets family. The name ‘Violet’ derives from the Old French word. These flowers have also been cultivated since 500 BC, and there are 400 types of violet plants in the Viola genus.
3. The symbol and meaning of Violets
Violets are widely associated with the meaning of love, as their heady and sensual fragrance might enchanting enough to make people fall in love all over again. They have this feeling of everlasting beauty and cheery enough for a gift to special someone. But aside from love, they also have other meanings, such as honesty, dreams, protection, remembrance, and determination.
The color of Violets is also associated with the reminiscent of the Sahasrara, which is a crown chakra that focuses our energy on matters like awareness and enlightenment towards life. This makes Violets also symbolize growth, peace, and mental clarity.
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4. Cultural significance of Violets
Violets have much symbolic meaning in different cultures. For example, in Native American tradition, a legend called Haudenosaunee claimed that Violets are children born from the sky and the earth, and therefore are considered a symbol of balance, harmony, and opportunity.
In Christian traditions, Violets are associated as a symbol of Jesus’ ability to be an intermediary and live in the balance between the earth and heaven. Back then in the Victorian era, people associated Violets as the symbol of good fortune and relating them with quite lots of superstitions. Some said that carrying this flower can keep evil spirits at bay, while some funny traditions also said that wearing violets on the head can keep us from getting too inebriated.
5. Violets as gifts and decorations
With their exceptional beauty, it is no surprise that they are widely used for gifts on many occasions. Violets can be gifted romantically to your significant one, gifted as a wedding anniversary gift, or perhaps being added to any wedding bouquet. These flowers are also February’s birth flowers, so you can gift them as a birthday gift for those who are born in February too.
If you are not planning to gift anyone these flowers, you can still buy them for your house or office decoration, as these flowers will surely enchant the appearance of your indoor rooms with just a glance of them. You can also plant them in your garden and enjoy their beautiful blooms.
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6. Violets as foods and medicines
Despite being beautiful, Violets also have many other benefits. The sweet violet, Viola odorata, is a principal medicinal and culinary species often used in Europe. It has been popularly planted for its fragrance and available in many locales. Many of the American use their stems for medicinal purposes. The leaves and flowers can be used internally as a blood cleanser and remedy for respiratory problems. It is made into tea or syrup or directly eaten, and there is no exact dosage for it as Violets can be consumed in large quantities and pose no harmful effects after it. Violets, roots of marshmallows, and licorice can also be used as a pulmonary remedy for dry cough, to treat bronchitis and whooping cough. Along with other herbs with the capability of doing action on the lymphatic system, they can also be used in the treatment of cancer.
Violets can also be used topically as a compress, infused oil, poultice, or salve for dry skin, insect bites, hemorrhoids, and many more, because these flowers are generally soothing, cooling, and have anti-inflammatory effects.
Meanwhile, Violets’ leaves and flowers are edible and can be eaten, mixed up along with salad, sandwiches, and pesto. However, you should note that the roots of most violets can cause nausea or vomiting, thus they should not be eaten. They are also beautiful to use as a garnish or to be candied and frozen into ice cubes.
7. Varieties of Violets
There are over 100 types of violets that are available for sale everywhere. Some of the common Violets are listed below.
- Common blue Violet or Viola sororia is native to the United States and blooms heavily in the spring throughout the summer.
- Johnny-Jump-Up or Viola tricolor is another variety of Violets that have tufts of heart-shaped leaves, along with plenty of one-inch purple and yellow-colored flowers with brown whiskers and purple chin. They are capable of self-seeding freely and may grow as tall as 5 inches and grow annually.
- Molly Sanderson Johnny-Jump-Up is another selection of Viola tricolor that is almost colored fully in black, but there is a tint of yellow at the center of the petals. They can grow as tall as 8 inches.
- Sorbet Coconut Swirl Violet or Viola cornuta is a creamy-white Violets, edged in rich lavender colors. It is heat-resistant and able to grow as high as 1 foot tall.
- Sweet Violet or Viola odorata is one of the varieties with the loveliest fragrance compared to the other violets. They bloom in late winter and early spring and are categorized as perennial flowers.
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Those will be the seven facts about the Violet Flowers! Now, have you learned enough about the Violets to make a poem about it? In fact, we have prepared a poem to end today’s article for you.
“Roses are red, Violets are blue,
This article you read, is specially made for you.”