16 Red & Pink Carnations Bouquet - I Care - FA101791
Experience the elegance of our bouquet featuring 16 red and pink carnations. This stunning arrangement combines the passionate hues of red with the delicate charm of pink, creating a beautiful display perfect for any special occasion. Whether it's a romantic gesture or a heartfelt gift, this bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Show your care and affection with our I Care bouquet, a heartfelt arrangement of 16 red and pink carnations. These vibrant and charming carnations are the perfect way to express your feelings and let someone know you care. Carnations are known for their symbolism of love and fascination, making them a thoughtful and meaningful gift to show someone you care. The combination of red and pink carnations in this bouquet creates a beautiful contrast, representing love and gratitude. The hand-tied bouquet adds a rustic and natural touch to the arrangement, making it a truly heartfelt gift. Send the I Care bouquet to your loved ones to let them know they are always in your thoughts and that you care deeply for them. It's the perfect way to brighten their day and bring a smile to their face. Order now and express your care and affection with this lovely bouquet of carnations.I Care - Heartfelt Carnation Bouquet
- Put in a vase with two-thirds of room-temperature & clean water
- Change the water every 2-3 days
- Re-cut the stem one inch in a 45 degrees angle
- Position in a 18-22 degrees spot
- Remove any growing wilted parts