9 Blue Rose Bouquet Wonder - FA25888
MYR 264
Discover the beauty of nature with our stunning arrangement of 9 Blue Roses decorated with Baby Breath and Ruskus. This floral arrangements are crafted with love and attention to detail. Please note: 1. Our blue roses are sprayed to achieve their unique color. Roses do not naturally grow in this color. 2. The shades of blue on the roses may vary, ranging from light to deep blue.
Presenting our \"Sapphire Serenade\" Rose Arrangement: a stunning display of nine captivating blue roses adorned with the delicate charm of Baby\'s Breath and the verdant accents of Ruscus foliage. This arrangement captures the essence of intrigue and elegance, showcasing the rare allure of blue roses in full bloom. The delicate Baby\'s Breath adds an enchanting touch, while the lush Ruscus foliage provides a graceful backdrop, enhancing the overall charm of this unique ensemble. \"Sapphire Serenade\" is a heartfelt gift, perfect for expressing sentiments of mystery, admiration, and the beauty of nature\'s wonders, making it an extraordinary addition to any occasion.