Grand Blue - FA23936
Dive into a sea of serenity with our enchanting bouquet of 50 blue roses, where each bloom whispers love and tranquility represent your love and admire, this arrangement perfect for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, or any romantic celebration.
Please note that these are sprayed blue roses. Shades of blue on the roses may vary, ranging from light to deep blue.
Timeless Elegance - Hand Bouquet of 50 Blue Roses and Baby Breaths
Embrace the allure of the color blue with this perfect hand bouquet of 50 stunning Blue Roses and delicate Baby Breaths. Radiating timeless elegance and beauty, this bouquet is a mesmerizing sight that will leave a lasting impression on your recipient.
Blue roses symbolize mystery, charm, and enchantment, making them an ideal choice for expressing deep and profound emotions. The delicate baby breaths add a touch of softness and complement the blue roses with their dainty appearance.
Please note that the roses are sprayed blue to achieve their captivating hue, creating a unique and visually captivating arrangement.
- 50 stunning Blue Roses
- Baby Breaths
- Exudes timeless elegance and beauty
- Expresses mystery and enchantment
- Makes a bold and memorable statement
- Perfect for special occasions and heartfelt gestures
Surprise your loved one with the enchanting charm of blue roses and let them know they hold a special place in your heart.
- Put in a vase with two-thirds of room-temperature & clean water
- Change the water every 2-3 days
- Re-cut the stem one inch in a 45 degrees angle
- Position in a 18-22 degrees spot
- Remove any growing wilted parts