Loving Perfection - FA23393
Wrap your emotions in blooms with our Hand Bouquet Full of Love, featuring 3 delicate carnations, 3 enchanting pink roses, 3 vibrant gerberas, and additional soft white carnations to complete this heartfelt arrangement. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays,and many more. Note: Soft pink roses may be replaced with Pink Avalanche roses with natural green edges on petals, which is a unique and beautiful characteristic of these flowers.
Loving Perfection - A Charming Hand Bouquet Filled with Love
Express your affection with the delightful Loving Perfection hand bouquet. Filled with love and care, this charming arrangement features 3 carnations, 3 pink roses, and 3 gerberas, beautifully complemented by additional white carnations to create a perfect harmony of colors.
- 3 Carnations
- 3 Pink Roses
- 3 Gerberas
- Additional White Carnations
Loving Perfection is a symbol of love and tenderness, making it an ideal gift for expressing your heartfelt emotions to someone special. The combination of carnations, roses, and gerberas adds a touch of elegance and grace to the bouquet, creating a truly charming and heartfelt gift.
Order now and let the Loving Perfection bouquet convey your love and affection to your cherished one in the most beautiful way.
- Put in a vase with two-thirds of room-temperature & clean water
- Change the water every 2-3 days
- Re-cut the stem one inch in a 45 degrees angle
- Position in a 18-22 degrees spot
- Remove any growing wilted parts