Pink Roses Bouquet with Teddy Bear - Violetta - FA21455
This charming hand bouquet features 1 purple rose, 2 pink roses, a cuddly teddy bear, and delicate baby's breath fillers. It's the perfect gift to convey love and happiness for any special occasion. Note: Soft pink roses may be replaced with Pink Avalanche roses, which have natural green edges on the petals, adding a unique and beautiful touch to the arrangement.
This charming hand bouquet is a perfect expression of affection and admiration. It features a delightful combination of 1 purple rose, 2 pink roses, and delicate baby breath fillers, creating a sweet and romantic arrangement. The addition of a cuddly teddy bear adds a touch of playfulness and warmth, making it an ideal gift for your loved ones. Order this lovely hand bouquet today and make someone's day brighter!Charming Gesture - Hand Bouquet of 1 Purple Rose, 2 Pink Roses, Teddy Bear, and Baby Breath Filler
- Put in a vase with two-thirds of room-temperature & clean water
- Change the water every 2-3 days
- Re-cut the stem one inch in a 45 degrees angle
- Position in a 18-22 degrees spot
- Remove any growing wilted parts