Vibrant Yellow Roses Bouquet - Wonder Yellow Harmony Rose - FA25883
MYR 300
This 20-Stem Bouquet of Yellow Roses comes with unparalleled charm, beautifully combined with delicate baby's breath and fresh Ruscus. Each stem exudes elegance and happiness, making it the perfect choice to celebrate special moments such as Teacher's Day, congratulations, or birthdays. With its elegant color combination and arrangement, this bouquet gives a grand and charming impression, making anyone who receives it feel cherished and special.
Presenting our \"Sunflower Serenade\" Rose Arrangement: a breathtaking display of twenty vibrant yellow roses adorned with the ethereal beauty of Baby\'s Breath and the verdant accents of Ruscus foliage. This arrangement captures the essence of sunshine and radiance, showcasing the bright allure of yellow roses in full bloom. The delicate Baby\'s Breath adds an enchanting touch, while the lush Ruscus foliage provides a graceful backdrop, enhancing the overall charm of this stunning ensemble. \"Sunflower Serenade\" is a heartfelt gift, perfect for expressing sentiments of joy, appreciation, and the vibrant beauty of nature, making it a remarkable addition to any occasion.